Warlock's 40k Page

WELCOME! You have been lucky enough to find the most awesome webpage around! Here, you'll get all the hottest info on what's going onwith all the new Citadel Miniatures. Oh by the way, this is my friend, Marneus Calgar!

"Hey all you awesome people out there!"

Before I begin, I'd like to thank Games Workshop; my main source of images. Okay. Now I'm going to explain about all you people out there who haven't heard of Warhammer 40,000! Okay. Picture this... The year is 40,000 on Earth and the world has been scarred by war. On Earth, the Imperium has the most war muscle in the galaxy. Led by the Emperor, the Imperials have broken into three armies. The Space Marines are the largest and most powerful, the Sisters of Battle guard the religious prospects of the Imperium, and the Imperial Guard basically rage war on anyone who oppose the Imperium. Off-world, traighterous Space Marines who have their minds warped by Chaos invade the Imperium in hopes of wiping all remnants of it out. Also, the battle hardened Orks invade, the illusive Eldars attack, Dark Eldars raid... and many, many others. I hope that gave you a better sense of how things are in the 40k universe.

Alright. Down to business. I guess first I'll give you some links to some awesome Games Workshop websites. Well, I guess just... two. But just the same!

Or, another awesome model website involving the Armageddon Wars, for all you senior gamers, is:

"Believe me, these pages are awesome!"

That's right Marneus old boy! Now, we're going to have some information about all the armies. Let's do Space Marines first, seeing as they're incredibly powerful and I play with them. So let's get started...

"Here we go!"

Next, let's do the Dark Eldar...

"Next stop, Dark Eldar info!"

Next, let's do the Imperial Guard...

"Let's go!"

And next...*shudder*...Tyranids.

"*Sigh...* If you insist."

And next we'll do Chaos, arch nemesis of the Space Marines.

"Here we go!...sadly."

Next, the Eldar...

I was gonna save these dudes for last, but, next let's do the Heroes of the Imperium...

"Let's go!"

Let's do the awesome Sisters of Battle!

"Ah, when I was alone with Sister Superior...*ahem!* Er, please excuse me. Let's go!"