Heroes.htmlTEXTttxt(LnmBIN Heroes of the Imperium

Heroes of the Imperium

Heroes of the Imperium are, well, heroes of the Imperium. Heroes being assassins, missionaries, preachers, etc. Assassins are these...

From left to right, above is the Vindicare assassin, coming from the Vindicare Temple. In the middle up there is the Inquistion Seal of all assassins, and to the left is a Eversor assassin, from the Eversor Temple. Vindicare assassins are known for their abilities with long range weapons, and Eversors are known for their ferocity in assault. Either one is a good purchase. Oh, by the way, there are two more types of assassins, I don't, unfortunately, have a piture of the Cellexus assassin, deadly to phsykers. Okay, off the subject of assassins, there are missionaries and preachers:

I'm afraid that if you want to know a lot about assassins, I just don't have the answers, so click on the Vindicare drawing below.

Or, to back to Warlock's 40k Page, click on Marneus.

"Zzzzzz...wha?!? Okay, here we go...zzzzzzzz..."

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