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Chaos Space Marines

Chaos Space Marines are Space Marines that had their minds warped by the Gods of Chaos and chose to follow Horus, the ultimate lord of Chaos. The traighterous Space Marines raid the Imperium and steal all their supplies and weaponry, in their mad hope of toppling the Emperor as the major ruler of the galaxy.

Having access to the weapons and armor of the Imperium makes Chaos and the Space Marines very similar. Let me show you the similarities between a Chaos dreadnought and biker and their Space Marine opposites...

See the similarities here? Naturally, the armor and weaponry is altered by the Gods of Chaos, but there are many basic similarities. However, there are some exceptions. Like with Plague and Noise Marines...

And then there are sorcerers and Khorne Beserkers:

Oh, and regarding statistics, Chaos Space Marines are basically the same as Space Marines. To find out their stats, click on the captain.

To find out more about Chaos Space Marines, click on the Chaos Standard Bearer.

And, to go back to my homepage, click on Marneus.

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