Dark Eldars are far less powerful than the Space Marines (and I don't say that just because I favor Space Marines) mostly because of their armor. The Dark Eldar's armor
save is 5+. Compared to the Space Marine armor save of 3+, 5+ is pretty weak. However, Dark Eldar have good aim, for they roll a 3+ to hit, same as a Space Marine.
Dark Eldars have good vehicles, though. However, the only one I have an image of is a Dark Eldar bike.
However, I know nothing about it. (I bet it's pretty much the same as a Space Marine bike.)
I'm almost positive I didn't give you much information about the Dark Eldar, so to find out more, go to this website. Click on the Dark Eldar below to get there.
And if you want to back to my homepage, click on Marneus.
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