
Tyranids = TANK RIPPERS!

And that's definitely no lie. Tyranids are absolute terrors on the battlefield. And believe me, they are capable of tearing a tank in half. I was playing with my Space Marine army against Tyranids one time and a group of genestealers wiped out a bike and a scout squad in one turn! Not only are Tyranids terrors in close combat, but they have some pretty freaky heavy support weaponry. But the only thing that gets to me about Tyranids is their armor. Talk about lousy! But I'm focusing in too much on armor, and with Tyranids, armor isn't a very big deal.

Anyhoo, I know this didn't give much information about Tyranids, so go to a different website to get some more info by clicking on the genestealer below .

Or, if you want to go back to my homepage, click on the Mordian Imperial Guardsman. (Marneus is getting bored.)