Rebecca's Dance Webpage 2000

Dedicated to Molly Collins because of her support and love of the dance world

I Dance Therefore I Am

 For Life, For Love, For Happiness



The Top 10 Reasons to Dance

#10. To keep yourself in shape#5. To feel good about yourself
#9. To show off your dancing skills#4. To express yourself
#8. To be more flexible#3. To feel a sense of accomplishment
#7. To have something to do in your
      spare time
#2. To have fun
#6. To learn more about coordination#1. Just because it's awesome

I'd like to thank my parents for all their love and support of my life, including my dancing. I'd also like to thank DASAC for giving me the opportunity to explore my own ideas, while being guided by wonderful instructors. I'd also like to recognize Michael for all his support through this year with everything new that I tried, even though we both had quite a busy year. Danielle, Briana, Erica, Aviva, and Hester-you guys are truely wonderful friends and I love you so much!