welcome to my underground lair
Hi, and welcome to my own personal haven. I call it my haven because I am an insane lunatic and whatever is likely to be my haven may end up being someone else's hell. I like that. At least, my friends call me an insane lunatic. They may be wrong. Anyway, I'm going to have some pictures and stuff up here to tell you about the stuff I like, because that's about all I feel like doing right now. I won't put up many links, because I can't remember all of tehm off the top of my head, and if I take them off the top of my head I might be a prematurely bald girl. And I don't want to be prematurely bald, unless I shave my head myself. I can't do that because then I'd end up just growing a big poof of hair and I can't handle that. So . . .
welcome to chaos
Ranma 1/2, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Wing, Tenchi (Muyo, Universe, etc.),
Ronin Warriors/Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, a bit of Inu Yasha, and I dabble in Sailor Moon and Dragonball Z.
Of course, there's tons and tons and tons more anime out there. Yay! Good for a fiend like me there's always the internet.
So here's some pics of some anime characters I like. For anyone interested in anime, the best bet would probably be the Anime Web
Turnpike, or as everyone calls it, the Anipike. So here goes . . .
Ranma 1/2
Yu Yu Hakusho
Gundam Wing
I like music. Beethoven, Copland, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Bizet, Mozart . . . I also happen to like other music. My two favorite bands are Orgy and Green Day. They're cool. Music is cool. And I like musicians who play their own instruments . . . but I can't seem to put up any pictures at the moment, because the computer isn't reading from my disk. So! Here's some links I would advise you to try.
Orgy Links
Shoutweb! - They have info on Orgy and lots of other bands
Orgy-net - They host lots of websites about Orgy
Beautiful Alone In My Bubble Of Reality - My friend Kyra's Orgy website
Green Day Links
The Official Green Day Website
Greenday.net - a DANG cool page
Van's Warped Tour - Green Day was on the Warped Tour this summer (I saw 'em! yahoo!)
Or 2024, whatever the case may be