My Webpage!!!

This is my webpage. I can't say it's any good, but I'll try. At least it's better that Ean's.

I go to a really neat camp called DASAC(Deerfield Academy Summer Arts Camp) and that's where I'm learning to actually make a web page! Isn't that great? Aren't I weird? Yeah, everyone else thinks so to.
Today was Funky Day at DASAC. I wore my dad's purple haiwaian(sp?) shirt, Kristen's silver jacket, cat face paint, a leopard print scrunchie and kerchief, and some jewelry I borrowed. Yeah, I think we already established that I am the weirdest person on the face of the earth.

I like horses a lot. I have a partial lease on an Arabian named Joey. He's a chestnut, like this.

The only difference is that Joey is lighter, and has a stripe instead of a star.
My brother has offered to help me out on Thurdays, when I have my rec ride. I told Erin, Joey's owner, that we could muck out both Joey and Damsel's stalls from now on. I think Michael, my brother, might start taking riding lessons again. If he did, I could probably help him with some stuff. I'm a fairly good rider, not the best, but I'm pretty good. I like spending time just hanging around the horses in the barn.

I also like reading. I like the Animorphs series, the Sword of Truth books, and any fantasy books. Right now I'm reading Snow Wolf by Glenn Meade. It's a very good book, about a war in Russia. Some of my favorite books were Firebird, The Lion's Game, and the Devil's Arithmetic. If you know any good books about the Holocaust or the concentration camps, please e-mail me the name and author of the book. My e-mail is Also, if you want to argue over something, I'm a great person to talk to. I like arguing, and will argue with almost anyone.

My friend Ana is lending me some books. She lent me the Phantom Of The Opera, the Subtle Knife, Moon Dancer, and Among the Hidden. I finished Among the Hidden last night. It was a very good book, about a world 20 years from now, where the government controled everything. People were only allowed to have up to 2 children, and third children were illegal. They were "shadow children", kids that had to hide all thier lives. It's from the view of a 12 year old boy named Luke, who has lived all his life hidden. I can't tell much more without giving away the entire book, so I'll stop here. I started the Phantom Of the Opera today.

My grandmother has a Seal-Point Siamese, like this. The cat's name is Suki, and she has a horrible reputation for being mean. I don't beleive that, though. She's always hissing and growling, but until I get scrached in the face I will never beleive that Suki could possibly be all bad. She's a cat! Only HUMANS can be ALL bad.

I need more friends... Please join!!!
Immortal2005 got her Neopet at
Arent I cute? Please join!!!
Immortal2005 got her Neopet at
Im a vain little Uni!!! I am the best!!!
Immortal2005 got her Neopet at
Do you want to go exploring with me???
Immortal2005 got her Neopet at

Neopets are these kewl virtual pets. PLEASE just check it out!!! Rosewater2005, above, is my Peophin, Tigryn_Parks is my Tigren, Bardok_Bisbok is my Uni, and Rosalba2000 is my Wocky. They are really fun, just like real pets, only better and you don't have to pay anything. Please just take a look. They have a referral system, and if you sign up using these links, I get 50 NPs per person!!! Yahoo!!! Plus, they are really kewl and have a tendancy to be additive.